Monday, November 3, 2008

When the walls come tumbling down...sort of!

The wall of the front bathroom, looking from the kitchen into the dining room. Where you see light blue is the fireplace. This will soon be exposed brick and the new home for the stove.
The walls are coming down. Today Stacy found termite damage in the walls between the bathroom and the kitchen. For a 110+ year old house that is pretty typical. We've found termite and bora beetle damage throughout the house, but it has all been old. The wall between Sophie's room and the old study.

Sophie's closet.

The front bathroom.
The termite damage.

The outside wall of the front bathroom. Soon to be part of the kitchen.

Looking from Sophie's room looking into the study.


Soph's room.

The old pantry space.

More termite damage.

The dining room and a cute little girl.

My new PLANTER...the clawfoot tub from the front bathroom.

The front bathroom before...

The progress and hard work is so appreciated! It's amazing how much can get done in a day!