As we begin this process, it is Saint's season and it is, as Sophie says, "The month of Halloween!" She gets her love of fall and Halloween decorations from me!

These are 2 areas of lucky bag storage in the hall. Each bag contains 100+ small choking hazards, 50 action figures, 25+ miscellaneous toys that no child really wants, and at least one toy a child does not realize his/her parent has given away!

KoKo is expressing the feelings of all the animals, as he sits on his perch, very unhappy about the boxes and the turmoil going on around him. I think he is staying on the perch so we can't pack it! (KeKe, Deuce, Zoe, and Lizzy are equally confused and unhappy about boxes in the house!).

This is our wonderful sidehall! It is going away in the renovation. The wall of windows on the right will be the only wall on that side of the house. We'll miss the great gallery for our Jazz Fest posters. If we don't have wall space for them in the "new" space, some of you might get them as gifts!
This is Sophie's closet. It will expand in the renovation!
This is the "study." That's code for the room that is supposed to be a third bedroom (only according to realtors and extremely tiny people), but is really only good for a chair and a desk. It will be the Master Bath.
This is a blurry picture of Lucy, our friends', Andree and Ben's, baby. She is sister to Lainey and Zachary. She is so cute! She can also help us, along with seasonal pictures, chronicle the blog. Lucy is now 7 weeks old...let's hope the renovation is over before her 1st birthday!

My friend, Erin, is a pro at blogging. She has a great blog that chronicles her wonderful life. It has hits from around the globe...she inspired me to blog the renovation (or anything!).
I decided to add a few pictures to the blog to fill in the blanks for some of you...
I like the pictures and the tour! You better keep this renovation in pace with baby Lucy's growth.