...are worth waiting for!
In my life, those things have been Sophie, meeting the love of my life, learning to really love others, and learning about what in life REALLY matters.
The house on Bell St. completed will be added to that list!
We are a bit behind b/c Stacy and Rodney want to do this job in a most excellent way. When we move back home, we want it to be the last time we have to move EVER AGAIN!
Lynn and I will be home for many, many, many years!
Patience is sometimes difficult to muster, but we can do it! Patience is a good lesson at any age! When we do move back home, it will be an awesome day!
With Fridge Art being just 7 weeks away,I have lots to keep me busy. Lynn is finding cool stuff, like a reclaimed door from the Green Project. Sophie is just keeping busy with school and listening to her
will keep you posted. Sheetrock is up in Sophie's bathroom!
Keep sending good vibes our way!